Bean Summer/Ben Worley
Information: Experiments in Digital Prints

This project started at Beep Beep Gallery when I saw a print of Bean's from his Encyclopedic Studies show and had to have it. I titled the piece, "Woman sitting on Holographic Hill," and my eyes love to rest on her.

We bartered. I help him write his thesis paper and he gives me the print. Five months of Sundays later, the thesis is approved and in the academoshpere. Bean's work is intrenched in experimentation, process, and an entertaining sense of cognitive aesthetics. He's prolific, dyslexic, and constantly producing.

Many ideas were spawned during this germination period, including this book:
Information: Experiments in Digital Prints

We also generated a working draft describing a contemporary art ripple dubbed ::imMEDIAte::






Information: Experiments in Digital Prints
Bean Summer/Ben Worley
ISBN # 9781880855171
pub. date April 2009

Book Release event at
Get this Gallery.
Atlanta, GA